On the former page You can already see illustrations of different aspects of Close packing of spheres and their relation to the creating universe.
This page will deepen a little more the understanding of the basic concept.
There is actually only one single platonic solid,
The Tetrahedron is the basis for the cube and the octahedron, which are two tetra compounds. and for the Icosa- and Dodedecahedron as five cube - ten tetra compounds.
The interior of the compound of two dual tetrahedra is an octahedron, and this compound, called the stella octangula, is its first and only stellation. Correspondingly, a regular octahedron is the result of cutting off from a regular tetrahedron, four regular tetrahedra of half the linear size.
adding those same tetrahedra forms the stella octangula, which re ensembles the cube.
The vertices of a cube can be found in any regular geometric close packing, whereby simple cubic refers to packings where only the vertex positions are filled.
simple cubic packing of spheres touching at six points fills a maximum of 52 % of space.
Centered cubic close packing of spheres is the geometry of the space-motion-time compound as described before.
The difference to the simple cubic packing is that here, at the centre of the cube, an additional sphere is added.
Instead of six contact points for the simple cubic packing, we now achieve eight.
The result is a lattice of flattened bi-pyramids as shown in the image to the left.
Six of these bi-pyramids join together to form the cubic tessellating Catalan solid called Rhombic Dodecahedron.
This geometry is a stellation between the cubic lattice of simple packing and the octahedral lattice formed by the cube's centering spheres.
The most compact regular form of cubic packing is face centered packing.
Instead of the centre, it has lattice points on the faces of the cube. This constellation results in a 3D lattice formed by two different volumes and two different geometries:
A grid formed of neighboring Tetrahedra and Octahedra which are non tessellating geometries on their own, but in a combination of two tetrahedra per one octahedron they combine to form Trigonal Trapezohedra, which are in fact tessellating geometries.
The image to the left shows the tetra-octa lattice.
Body-centered packing allows the spheres to touch at fourteen contact point.
Basic geometries of the four alchemical elements from the three cubic packing principles.
The Four essential solids that can tessellate (or "pack") 3-dimensional space:
- The Cube
- Trigonal Trapezohedron (one octa- plus two tetrahedra)
- Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Truncated Octahedron
Body centered cubic packing - Body centered cubic packing - Face centered cubic packing
Rhombic Dodecahedra Truncated Octahedra Vector Equilibrium
(as trigonal trapezohedra compound)
The image shows face centered cubic packing principles and how tessellation is achieved by combining octahedra and tetrahedra, and how the cub octahedon or Vector Equilibrium relates to the
Trigonal Trapezohedra grid.
The proportion is Two tetra- for any octahedron, but in volume the relationship is the opposite, because the two tetrahedra combined have only about half the volume of the octahedron.
In consequence, despite the cub octa having equilibrium in reference to traversing vectors, it lacks equilibrium in vertex distance. It has either square or triangular faces.
The Trigonal Trapezohedra grid forms Star-Tetrahedra geometry inside every single cube of the space filling lattice.
As mentioned before, all tessellation is based on cubes.
The tetrahedra from the Trapezohedra lattice basically accentuate all the diagonals inside of the wave field (as shown in yellow).
The Octahedra, on the other hand, accentuate the three dimensional planes of the cube (as shown in red color).
concave (yellow) and concave lens projection convex lens projection
convex (turquoise) lenses
Projection and Reflexion in the Cube-Sphere
as naturally occurring in "Bubbelogy"
(expanding spheres in body centred close packing)
1. refraction on six concave lenses projects and expands spheres into planes.
2. mirrored spheres of neighboring cubes are becoming projected towards centre of the initial cube, forming three dimensional planes at 90º angle.
3. mirror effect caused by the two intersecting concave lens projections.
4. convex lenses form by means of sphere intersection at eight faces of the cube's inscribed truncated octahedron. Convex lenses project the centring sphere toward the cube's vertices.
5. six concave lense-projections at the cube's faces and eight convex projections through diagonals.
6. along the seven symmetry axes 20 projections take place. Here the twelve concave- plus eight convex projections.
Please refer to my album "The Cube, the Sphere ..." to find out more about what's in a cube ...
Schematic representation of the reflection-projection sequence relative to one pair of concave lenses (out of the total of three pairs), forming one single dimensional plane, horizontally centering the sphere.
Centering planes in cube-spheres are magnetic South.
The centering sun or nucleus is the magnetic North pole.
The four pairs of convex lenses are the position of magnetic East and West.
Inverse diagonal and edge length proportion of the regular Octahedron, coherent in face centered packing,
(in combination with tetrahedra in relation 2:1. Forming the Trigonal Trapezohedron ),
and the square Bipyramyd as repetitive tesselating cell for body centered packing.
( six bipyramids forming the rhombic dodecahedron ).
Wave Mechanics
Or how all the elements of the periodic table are, in fact just
Please check out my website:
Hugo (Tuesday, 23 May 2023 05:27)
Saludos y muy apreciable el trabajo de Walter Rusell.evolución en conocimiento de muchas bases a lo largo del tiempo y pareciera que cada vez nos acercamos más al centro o parece rellenarse el círculo solo para brincar al siguiente nivel en cualquier dirección saludos desde.san Juan del Río Querétaro México aunque me gustaría tener la traducción al español de toda su escritura
SVT (Tuesday, 07 March 2023 15:23)
These are not the correct wave field diagrams. The twin vortex needs to terminate at the SAME cube face. Walter Russell corrected this himself in his later works (The Secret of Light), look up the new diagrams. A continuous spiral progression is not possible using this model.
Donovan N. (Saturday, 25 December 2021 02:14)
Thank you for dedicating your time to provide a space to learn, or relearn God. :) much love to you. I'm in the process of seeing how electricity creates loops of force around a conductor. If anyone would like to discuss applications and dynamics more my email is donovancube9@gmail.com.
sostaric (Sunday, 25 July 2021 19:17)
Suzea (Sunday, 14 March 2021 16:03)
Is it possible to buy the Walter Russell posters
David (Saturday, 07 November 2020 21:09)
Happy to be here, thank you for your hard work.
Duality - Sanskrit, I think, for same concept: "know me as the field and the knower of the field. Also, the mobius strip; a two sided image that can only appear one sided.
Eugene Blumenstein (Saturday, 12 September 2020 02:49)
Hello Maximillian. I have discovered a way to see what you and Walter Russell have drawn. I am currently trying to capture the images but having difficulty getting the camera to capture the 3D Holographic images.
Maximilian (Tuesday, 09 June 2020 23:45)
Hi Leslane,
yes. Duality is a yang concept.
Thats why i don´t like Russells sex division concept.
All seeming opositions in nature are simultaneous and at the exact same location and time.
The basis of balace.
Pathenogenesis is good for preservation of motion (water), but it excludes the element of fire, which is time, also known as CHANGE.
Leslene (Wednesday, 22 April 2020 18:27)
another question: what do you think about parthenogenesis? I think reducing things to a dualistic reality is a male concept.
Leslene (Wednesday, 22 April 2020 18:18)
Do you follow the Electric Universe? Wal thornhill does not in stock in Einstein and in fact said he has derailed science for the last 100 years. I'm curious what you think about that? Thanks.
Dagoberto restrepo (Monday, 25 February 2019 03:59)
Gracias estimado Maximilian por compartir, tengo mucho interés en comprender esta valiosa información, la considero una llave maestra para mi naturaleza creativa.
Seguiré atento a tus publicaciones, me interesa mucho la obra de Walter Russell, lamentablemente no se inglés y las traducciones que he intentado con google son confusas.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo desde Colombia.
Charles (Saturday, 21 October 2017 17:09)
You are on it. The simplest atom hydrogen has the potential to be an 8 cell cube or better a tesseract. The space matter is in dictates its function. Currently in our space, there are 2 dynamos influencing our concept of matter. 140 Ce is the central hub of matter, ground zero for the dynamos. The sun (Proton dynamo) is a complex matter builder that rebuilds the cube that is cleaved by the black hole (neutron dynamo). So the sun doubles and the black hole halfs. High energy cosmic rays are the cleaved nuclei streaming into out solar system at 2500 times the speed of light, reason for the cycles of the sun, 1/2 cycle is 11.3 years which is the same for radon decay. I have multiple graphs showing the function of the dynamos with different aspects. The sun's core is both matter/antimatter He-6/He+6 which is quantum entangled with the central hub black hole. The sun is nearly absolute zero at its center, h1 and h2 are used to rebuild matter (h1 has zero neutrons, h2 has 1 neutron hence its a digital signal 1110001110010101010 that builds complex matter). I could go on but feel you are well on your way to grasping it entirely.
kind regards,
Ben Groseclose (Tuesday, 25 April 2017 17:11)
See my Walter Russell page (and animation)
From 1995.
max (Monday, 14 November 2016 20:20)
si teneis algun comentario por favor dejadmelo aqui